By speaking truth and exposing liars ...for tolerating hardships for changing this corrupt and already rotten system. He has taken a huge task..please encourage and share this responsibility he needs each and every sincere Pakistani support.He is fighting against America tyranny and feudals of Pakistan at same time.If he is succeeded he will take his nation to the heights of prosperity and respect inshallah.
Tuesday, 30 September 2014
Monday, 29 September 2014
Poem:In your arms
I want to have a rest
for ever in your arms
whenever I feel agony
your words are like honey
you are my Anthony
in the moments of much pain
in the sun and in the rain
I want to sigh and cry
O honey! in your arms
when ever I am frustrated
and feel so devastated
I want to die in your arms!!!
for ever in your arms
whenever I feel agony
your words are like honey
you are my Anthony
in the moments of much pain
in the sun and in the rain
I want to sigh and cry
O honey! in your arms
when ever I am frustrated
and feel so devastated
I want to die in your arms!!!
Sunday, 28 September 2014
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qarar ayia,nigar ayia,nigaar ayia,qarar ayia
kbhi behno k hathon ki rangili hina bun kr
kbhi ba khanman maan ki maili se rida bun kr
dilo ko fatah krnay aj phir vo shahswar ayia
qarar ayia qarar ayia qarar ayia qarar ayia
kbhi ankho may albaili subho ki tu zia lay kur
kbhi phoolo say honto pa shabnam se doa lay kur
khizanon ko ura k bun k pagham e bahar ayia
qarar ayia nigar ayia nigar ayia qarar ayia
terii baton may poshida hikmat kay khizanay hein
teray ung ung may khwabeeda kul k sub fsanay hein
chaman ka zraa zraa tujh pa honay ko nisar ayia
qarar ayia nigar ayia nigar ayia qarar ayia
Tuesday, 23 September 2014
Article: Our future
No doubt sir Govt is not bed of roses as Nawaz says but we should hope for the best.It has many reasons.Firstly mind it that Imran will not alone in Govt ..Inshallah other stake holders like PML N will be there and it is good for us.Very strong opposition is very necessary for good governance .It keeps the people in power on track. Imran just wants Election rigging investigations which are not possible in presence of PML N OR NAWAZ SO HE HAS RAISED SLOGAN gO Nawaz go and is struggling to popularize it more n more. No doubt Imran ll have pressure of Army but our own Army pressure is better that the pressure of India. Nawaz is over taking Army to increase his business in India.Even BThese both parties PPP n PML N had ruled two times and has done nothing except gathering shame and corruption so we should test a new courageous and sincere man who has served already Pakistan without any greed and has raided Pakistan's name .Who has established great institutions with just donation who knows how to fight with west and eastern powers.BBC is saying this. So hope Imran will not do any harm to Pakistan .He will take us to the hieght of respect,peace and properity Inshallah.May be mid phase will tough but if he will be sincere we will face all hard ships with him will work hard with him and will get rid of slavery and debts.
Sunday, 21 September 2014
Sunday, 14 September 2014
Drifting of mind
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Article:Today's thought
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Thursday, 11 September 2014
Poem:Blinking stars in your eyes
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under a shady tree
is heaven for me
stars blink in your eyes
when you look at me
your presence O dear!
is a source of sanity
air so fresh and clear
sky is blue and near
listening your lullaby
my spirits are getting high and high
making you more and more dear
and assuring me
you are so sincere
I want to be with you
in all the coming years!!!!
Saturday, 6 September 2014
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and the breeze is trickling honey
after so much rain
I urge to meet you again
clouds are flying to your land
making shapes of garlands
I feel so crazy about you
and I want to be your baby
all the time I quiver
want to cross all the rivers
to be where you are
but I don't know
how to move the stars
and change the destiny
God is still testing me
your love flows through my veins
and makes every thing insane
Friday, 5 September 2014
Article: What is Death and what is Life
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''apnay goray tyaar rakho''
He says more,
''The people who are martyred to raise the name of Allah ..are not dead ..they are alive .They are given food by Allah.but you can not have sense of this ''
Poet says,
shaheed ki jo maut hay vo qaum ki hayat hay
lahoo jo ha shaheed ka vo qaum ki zakaat hay
Today is 6 September. A day when our Air force performed memorable deeds defending their country. It is our duty to keep it safe from erosion and interventions. Mind it! The nation who lives just to enjoy can never survive respectfully. It is alive but like dead's. To survive respectfully is necessary to strive for best and
to prepare for glorious death on our own forums because death is an inevitable fact of this universe then why not in our field why on bed!!!
Nazm:Imraan say...
sapno ko khonay na denaa
masoomo ko rona na denaa
neend say jo badaar huay hein
un ko phir sonay na denaa
yaad hay vo Iqbal ki baat
Quaid ki hay ya saughat
dakhna mehshar ki ya ghari hay
chootay na hatho sa hath
too nay hmaraa maan brhayia
apna chain too nay bhulayia
hum b rhein gay teray sath
masoomo ko rona na denaa
neend say jo badaar huay hein
un ko phir sonay na denaa
yaad hay vo Iqbal ki baat
Quaid ki hay ya saughat
dakhna mehshar ki ya ghari hay
chootay na hatho sa hath
too nay hmaraa maan brhayia
apna chain too nay bhulayia
hum b rhein gay teray sath
Poem:Imran Khan
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he is a survivor of a nation
from humiliation and discrimination
He is a beacon house in the dark night
who shows us the light
to the path of peace, prosperity and sincerity
He tells where glory,respect and splendor dwell
who told us how to shatter
these selfish magician's spell
He creates in us an untiring power
to fight for our right
who takes us to high and high flight
we need no crown
for us is just enough
your safety and your sight !!
Wednesday, 3 September 2014
Article:Javed Hashmi
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Article:Flaws of Present movement Azadi March
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I often went back in History to see what mistakes are in this movement. I agree that singing and dancing specially in mix gathering(though it is not mix but perhaps mob is mixed some times) doesn't suits a Muslim movement.You will have felt that Imran has controlled this situation. He is concentrating to take the movement on concrete bases.His stance is right. He is like a new Muslim. If you study his life you will see he was thrilling and adventurous from his childhood. He had Islamic name and background but he practically and intentionally came to Islam when he came back from England during last phase of his education as he was very depressed . Here he met some religious people who brought him to real teaching of Islam. He is sincere,sympathetic and enthusiastic. He studied Quraan in his 20's with translation. In movement so many people are involved, a mob is involved and some mistakes are definitely occurred but wise man is that who correct them when ever he is diverted attention towards them. An arrogant man argues and excuses. I think Imran is in 1st category. He is committed and determined at his right stance and is continuously trying hard to bring his workers to attend the procession and to make his movement successful. We should remember that this movement is not for personal power. It is to demolish a deep rooted feudal corrupt system and establish a strong Islamic and democratic system. It is not a easy job.It is a huge resposibility.His shoulders need to share this load with his country men. He needs assistance and encouragement. Please join him. He is your hero .He has never betrayed you. He will never betray you Inshallah!
Article :Revolution in Iran by Imam Khumini
Protest or Dharna or sitting in Capital exceeding from half month.People are tired,restlass some times hungry or thirsty away from their homes. If we include their families too their number will go again in millions.Every sensitive person iin society wishes to end this situation. We common citizens are also victims of it because we also have to face traffic blocks,ways block and utilities shotage specially of vegetables.
People of different spheres of life are suggesting many solution of this issue.I also consider myself a sensitive and sincere citizen of my country so very often I think how can be a better end of this can be fulfilled the dream of a welfare state of Pakistan. Many revolutionaries flash back on my memory projector like Bhutto, Qazzafi, Yasir Arafat, Maulana Maududi and Imam Khumini etc. Among them Imam Khumini's stature is big and broad. He demolished the grand structure of Raza shah kingdom of Iran. Let us see how he start.He was a brilliant and devoted student of an Iranian Madrassa. He used to speak against Raza Shah's lavish style of life, against his unethical traditions and against his injustice. The issues he raised were true so soon he established a large group of his followers. They used to shre their views in social gatherings. Soon Shah's spies told Shah about Young Khumini's rebellious views. Khumini's views were getting popular speedily.They started protesting and speaking against Shah in great rallies and processions.Shah warned him for some time and then arrested him and sent on exile in Iraq. Here he was facing some restrictions by his Govt so by his friend's effort he was permitted to go to France where he could esly communicate with hiss followers. He was a scholar of Hadis and Fiqqa so many groups of students and scholars came to him and after attending his lectures took away its video with them in which an Islamic state map was cleared gradually in the light of Quran o Hadis.So his message was gradually conveyed to his public. So when when he landed on Airport of Tehran whole city was crowded with people coming from different sides of country. Imam Khumini didn't wasted time .He straightly went with his followers to Shah's palace.Many Shah's people.Shah himself flee away and Khumini and his followers took the control. They abolished all remaining of shah's kingdom and established in country peace and harmony.Imam Khumini taught his nation a practical lesson of faith, self integrity and self reliance according to Islamic teaching which they remembered for decades.
People of different spheres of life are suggesting many solution of this issue.I also consider myself a sensitive and sincere citizen of my country so very often I think how can be a better end of this can be fulfilled the dream of a welfare state of Pakistan. Many revolutionaries flash back on my memory projector like Bhutto, Qazzafi, Yasir Arafat, Maulana Maududi and Imam Khumini etc. Among them Imam Khumini's stature is big and broad. He demolished the grand structure of Raza shah kingdom of Iran. Let us see how he start.He was a brilliant and devoted student of an Iranian Madrassa. He used to speak against Raza Shah's lavish style of life, against his unethical traditions and against his injustice. The issues he raised were true so soon he established a large group of his followers. They used to shre their views in social gatherings. Soon Shah's spies told Shah about Young Khumini's rebellious views. Khumini's views were getting popular speedily.They started protesting and speaking against Shah in great rallies and processions.Shah warned him for some time and then arrested him and sent on exile in Iraq. Here he was facing some restrictions by his Govt so by his friend's effort he was permitted to go to France where he could esly communicate with hiss followers. He was a scholar of Hadis and Fiqqa so many groups of students and scholars came to him and after attending his lectures took away its video with them in which an Islamic state map was cleared gradually in the light of Quran o Hadis.So his message was gradually conveyed to his public. So when when he landed on Airport of Tehran whole city was crowded with people coming from different sides of country. Imam Khumini didn't wasted time .He straightly went with his followers to Shah's palace.Many Shah's people.Shah himself flee away and Khumini and his followers took the control. They abolished all remaining of shah's kingdom and established in country peace and harmony.Imam Khumini taught his nation a practical lesson of faith, self integrity and self reliance according to Islamic teaching which they remembered for decades.
Tuesday, 2 September 2014
Article:Way to self reliance..
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They bought raw material from other countries at very less price and after converting this material in best form of industrial tool sold it at very high cost. So their economy took boost in a few years. America tried hard to persuade them to learn English and to influence them by their culture. They didn't pay heed on their propaganda in their country.They had decided to erect a new horizon from their ash and in 1953 they were ahead of whole world in the field of Industry a few years after world war 11.
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