Scientist and Educationist Ata ur Rehman said, ''Our country never enjoyed the real taste of Democracy, It was mere feudocracy, in which feudal kept occupied Parliament.''
They take care of feudal class because majority of Assembly members belong to Upper class.They have very less knowledge of poor people and no sympathy for them in their hearts.They strive and unite for any right of their class. Result is that rich is going to be richer and poor is going to be poorer.Most of these feudal parliamentarians are corrupt, illiterate and selfish. So they don't miss any opportunity to make wrong use of nation's money.
Structure of election commission is so weak and full of short comings that no middle man can come in power. MNA and MPA are elected on the base of Cast , family and economic background. Imran Khan and many other well wisher of our country are trying to make people understand that our country can never go to right path unless Election Commission is authorized and Electoral mechanism is revolutionized. Most important act is to change the method of casting vote.It should be electronic so that local voting should be linked to the main Election Commission Computer. It will not only save time but rigging chances will be eliminated at great extent. Laws should also be reformed and they should be implemented strictly so that only honest,sincere and capable candidate should be able to contest for election and best among them will be able to selected for Assemblies.
It is a matter to ponder that how India and Bangladesh got rid of these feudal system and helped the lower class to join in main stream of its economy,industry and even Government.Not only India but also Bangladesh is going ahead of us in fields of agriculture, Industry and technology. Reason is that they have much more better implication of Law than us. The ruler party has a prominent number of middle class who know problems of middle class and also have passion and determination to solve these problems. That is why ratio of middle class in India has gone up to 30% while in Pakistan middle class is decreased to 10%. This is not an easy task. It is a long journey. Election reforms will not be complete revolution but they will be a mile stone for future revolutionaries.If sincerity and consistency for a welfare state sustained Inshallah a day will come as Imran Khan says ''People from other countries will come to our country to seek jobs.''